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Alveolar ridge in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: alveolaralveolatealveolialveolusporridgemitral valve prolapseridgebridgeMeaning: n. a ridge that forms the borders of the upper and lower jaws and contains the sockets of the teeth. 
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1. Objective : To provide a quantity index for alveolar ridge augmentation at mandibular posterior area.
2. Local Alveolar ridge deformities in the anterior area a great concern during restorative and esthetic dentistry.
3. Push against your tongue with the flat object/alveolar ridge at the same time as you push against the flat object with your tongue Hold for 1 to 2 seconds.
4. Conclusion:Bar should be designed according to the alveolar ridge and maxillary or mandibular arch of the patients and the principle of Spiekermann's design.
5. Alveolar ridge will gradually decrease in volume and change morphologically after tooth extraction.
6. is normally pronounced with the tongue at the alveolar ridge behind the teeth.
7. or place tongue on alveolar ridge,[ ridge.html] the area behind your top teeth.
8. Conclusion Overcoming the problem of serious lowness of mandibular alveolar ridge is the key to strengthening the retention of mandibular full denture.
9. Results: No difference was found in the PPT of alveolar ridge mucosa between the left and the right side.
10. Objective To observe the relationship between the height of interradicular septa compared with alveolar ridge and the incidence of dry socket after the operation of pulling out the molars.
11. Results A two-year follow-up revealed there occurred butment caries, luxated butment, and overlain residual root gingivitis, even on the rise, while the alveolar ridge showed no uneven absorption.
12. CONCLUSION: The onlay grafting techniques are simple and reliable for the augmentation of severely atrophic alveolar ridge.
13. Objective:The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of implantation tooth extraction wound to prevent atrophy of alveolar ridge with particulate hydroxylapatite artificial bone.
14. OBJECTIVE:To establish a rabbit animal model of anterior residual alveolar ridge.
15. Objective To study how to avoid excessive absorption alveolar bone in order to keep the height of alveolar ridge after tooth extraction.
16. Objective : To provide measuring methods and a quantity index for alveolar ridge augmentation at mandibularposterior area.
17. But the gay accent does tend to "s-fronting". [s] is normally pronounced with the tongue at the alveolar ridge behind the teeth.
18. Its place of articulation is alveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge, termed respectively apical and laminal.
19. Objective: To study the relationship between the patient satisfaction with complete denture and the pain perception threshold (PPT) of alveolar ridge mucosa.
20. Results With the decreasing of the alveolar bone height, the stress in PDL augmented in lateral apical periodontal ligament and the topo f the alveolar ridge.
21. Conclusion: Supporting the use of mini-implant retention repair of severe alveolar ridge atrophy in patients with dentition defect or deficiency is an effective treatment.
22. Objective: Introduce the use of osteotomes to elevate the sinus floor from alveolar ridge at the time of implant placement .
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